Page 7 - Refinishing Brochure 2018
P. 7

2 K Fi br ofil
2 K Fi br ofil
C ol or C ur e 2 K Fi br ofil C ol or C ur e 2 K Fi br ofil
GlassFibre Matting
Forthe bridging oflarge holesin body work,in conjunction with Tetrosyl Polyester Resin.
Case Qty 1 2
6 6 4
Size 2 5 0 g 6 0 0 g 1 L
2 L
Code Barcode
USF025 5010372015538 USF600 5010372007380 CCF010 5010372013855 CCF020 5010372013695
Glass Fibre Matting
Case Qty 12
Size Code Barcode
1 sq. m GF M001 5010372720609
C ol or C ur e 2 K St o p p er
Afine surface pinholefree polyester stopperidealfor minorrepairs, dents and scratches. Setsin minutes, creating an easyto sand,tough a n d s m o ot h r e p air.
Product Case Qty Size Code Barcode
C ol or C ur e 2 K St o p p er 6 6 0 0 g C C S 6 0 0 5 0 1 0 3 7 3 0 7 7 3 9 9
Fill er s 2
C ol or C ur e 2 K Fi br ofil
Atough Bodyfillerreinforced withfibre glassto give a solid and vibrationresistant repair.Idealfor bridging andfilling holesin metal and glassfibre surfaces.
Polyester Resin
A Multipurposeresin with controllable settingti mefor moulding,fabricating andrepairing steel, alloy or alu miniu m( with Etch Pri mer), glassfibre reinforced plastic, wood, stone etc. Can also be used as a po werful adhesive. Resistantto many solvents, acids, alkalis, oils and salt water.
Product Polyester Resin Polyester Resin
Case Qty Size 6 1L
4 2.5L
Code Barcode
POR001 5010372012643 POR002 5010372012650

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