Page 12 - Winter Brochure 2018
P. 12

De mon Freeze Extre me De-Icing Screen wash
• De mon Freezeis a highly concentratedfor mula
• Can be sprayed directly onto
your windscreen or de-ice your car through your washerjets
• Prevents Screen washfreezingin thetank and pipes
• Can also be dilutedfor su m mer use
Size Product code 2. 5 L C D F 0 2 5
De monIce sits ontop ofthe windscreen and prevents
ice stickingtothe glass.
A n y r e si d u e c a n b e cl e a r e d with windscreen wipers.
Size 1 L
Product code C DI 0 0 1
De monIce 2in 1
Ice Preventer & De-Icer
• The first ever 2in 1Ice Preventer & De-Icer • Spray onto your windscreenthe night before
to preventicefor ming • Effectivedownto-20°C • Canalsobeusedasa
high-perfor mance de-icer

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