Page 54 - QH Battery Application Guide
P. 54

1. Voltmeter, use to test the voltage of the battery.
2. Variable High Rate Discharge Tester, simulates starter motor.
3. Hydrometer, tests the condition and strength
of the electrolyte in each cell of the battery by examining the acid. The electrolyte is “pumped” to ensure mixing.
Warranty equipment available to purchase.
Q1. Is the battery Quinton Hazell branded and being used for the correct application according to this catalogue?
Yes - go to Q2. No - The battery is not of our supply and therefore not covered under warranty.
Voltmeter (good quality)
Variable High Rate Discharge Tester
Q2. Check the condition of the battery to ensure - no damage
- no cracked casing etc
- no damage to the terminals
If damaged, the battery is no longer covered under warranty. If not, go to Q3.
Q3. Check the battery is within the warranty period.
If it is not, the battery is no longer covered under warranty
as this period has expired.
More than 85% of warranty claims are due to a fault on the car and not the battery. Remember to always observe and practice all of the necessary health and safety precautions when handling batteries. Ensure you are wearing protective clothing and have adequate eye protection.
1. Brown acid = This battery has been over-cycled or over charged, customer to check battery has been  tted to the correct application and to check other equipment is functioning properly (i.e. alternator)
2. Milky = This battery has sulphated due to under- charging or being left for a pro-longed period of time in a partially charged state
3. Other Colour = Battery has been contaminated
4. No Acid = overcharged
or tipped over
Stock Rotation
• All batteries contain ‘active materials’ and have a limited shelf-life, therefore you should have a stock rotation system in place that utilises a ‘First-In-First-Out’ principle
• Store batteries in an upright position in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area
• Regularly check the open-circuit voltage across the terminals, using a digital voltmeter, charge any batteries that have a voltage lower than 12.45V.
• You should use a charger which supplies Amps at 10% of the A/h rating - Perhaps use a traf c light sticker system on your stocks:
• GREEN sticker = fully charged (12.6V +)
• ORANGE sticker = will need recharging soon (12.45V – 12.6V) • RED sticker = do not sell, needs recharging (12.44V or less)

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